November 19, 2009

Michael Snyder
Professor of Genetics
Stanford University School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
(650) 723-4000

Dear Dr. Snyder:

I am a diagnostic radiologist.  I have taken an interest in the genetics of normal variation in infertility.  As the enclosed DVD lays out, I have succeeded in creating a model for why some families have more children than others.  It is a mater of choice in that it is a matter of mating strategy.  After the fact, once a couple gets married, choice plays only a minor role.  Surprising as this seems, the evidence is very strong.  It is a matter of genetics. 

I am hoping you will take an interest.  What form that might be, I am open-minded about.  Maybe we could do a paper together or something.

In order to emphasize how important this is, let me pull out three facts from the DVD.  First, according to UN numbers, the developed world’s fertility fell below replacement levels.  The second is that kinship determines fertility.  This is proven by a study reference that was done in Iceland.  If you want adequate reproductive success in terms of grandchildren, you must marry your second cousin once removed, your fifth cousin or someone in between and even fifth cousin means substantially reduced fertilty.  Sixth cousin is as bad as inbreeding.  The third is that this outbreeding depression accumulates over generations.

Think about it.  Without much of a stretch, children born in the developed world since 30 years ago have pretty much been only children.  Given the intensity of entertainment, the electric lights and the rich nutrition of our society, we will assume that generation time now approximates twenty years.  That means that for the past years, typically children have been only first cousins.  Each child has had about one second cousin, but that cousin had an even chance of being of the same sex.  It is not until you get out to third cousin that there is a reasonable probability of finding a cousin of the opposite sex, and even then, there is a probability that the ages will be incompatible.  There is only a reasonable chance of finding someone of appropriate age and sex at the level of 4th cousin.  In ten years time, that logic leads to 5th cousin, and our backs will be against the wall. 

And even that gloomy pronouncement does not take into account the fact that things get worse each generation as outbreeding damage accumulates.  It is utterly unreasonable to hope that there will be a sudden cultural revolution so that absolutely everybody marries a 4th cousin.  Only a small fraction will under any circumstances.  And that small fraction is all that we will carry forward past the next generation, while surrounded by the social turmoil of a crashing population.

The rest of the world is following lockstep a very few decades behind. 

We do not have much time to try to fix this.  In fact, it may well be too late.  For one, I would find it distasteful to die without a struggle, particularly if the cure would be cheap and painless.  If you can find it in your heart to help, please get back in touch with me.  There is more evidence at where I post evidence and correspondence such as this.  But it would save much time if you would let me walk you through it.


M. Linton Herbert MD 

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